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About us

MisterExport.com is the trade intelligence platform that brings together international trade and Big Data professionals.

Data that can be used for rapid decision-making : import-export merchandise trade flow statistics and world databases on more than 180 countries and 70 industries.

Manufacturers, consultants, import and export players will be able to use powerful flow analysis tools and discover new opportunities:

  • Increase operational efficiency with decision-ready data: executive management, sales and marketing teams can immediately use the data to identify opportunities and establish strategies quickly.
  • Make smarter decisions based on more accurate data.
  • Capitalize on market opportunities by monitoring supply and demand.
  • Comparative analysis of shipments from competitors, business partners,…
  • Generate sales leads by targeting companies based on their business activities.

client inquiries

  • 3 rue Roger Salengro 78300 Poissy, France
  • Call +212 646 700 114

Contact us for a free diagnosis

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